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Kemarin Sempat Heboh Karena Suporter Persib Bandung ( Viking ) Dikeroyok Oleh Suporter The Jack di Stadion GBK , Pada 27 Mei 2012 Kemarin .
Sempat Heboh , Polisi Sekarang Lagi Menyelidiki dan Mencari Salah Satu Tersangka Pengeroyokan Tersebut .
Facebook Pelaku Bernama Bayoe Orenz Jakmania dan Chimen'k Rasta Fara
Berikut Adalah Status yang diupdatenya ( Sudah dihapus )

Gimana ??
Ada yang Mau Melaporkan Orang Ini ke Polisi ??
.:: Comentar , Jika Berkenan Silahkan Follow dan Donasi Seikhlasnya ::.
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Cara Setting Domain Intuit ke Blogger

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Oke , Kemarin Saya Sudah Share Tentang Bypass Intuit || Domain Gratis Tanpa Bayar
Nah Sekarang , Saya Share Cara Setting Domainnya . Gimana ?? Langsung Ajha Yuk !!

Cara Setting Domain Intuit

• LogIn Intuit Dengan Account yang Anda Miliki [ LogIn ]
• Selanjutnya , Silahkan Pilih "Domain" yang Ada dimenu

• Pilih Lagi "Manage Your Intuit Websites Domains"
• Selanjutnya , Klik "Advanced DNS Setting"

• Selanjutnya Klik Tombol "Edit" yang Ada Disana
• Setting DNS Editor Kalian
• Pada Kolom "A Record" , Tambahkan Menjadi 4 Kolom Dengan Cara Klik "Add a New Record" yang Ada dibawah Kolom Tersebut . Dibagian Host , Ubah Menjadi @ Semuanya . dan Dibagian Points To Ubah Menjadi Urutan Seperti Ini
Kolom 1 :
Kolom 2 :
Kolom 3 :
Kolom 4 :

Maka Akan Menjadi Seperti Ini :

• Dibagian CNAMES , di Kolom 1 Bagian Host , Ubah Menjadi www . dan Dibagian Points to Ubah Menjadi .
Maka Akan Menjadi Seperti Ini :

• Terakhir , Klik Submit .
Untuk Menyetingnya Agar Bisa Digunakan di Blogger .
Ikuti Tutor Dibawah Ini !!

Setting Domain Intuit ke Blogger

• Silahkan LogIn ke Account Blogger Kalian [ LogIn ]
• Selanjutnya Klik Setelan - Penerbitan .
• Dibagian Atas , Klik Beralih ke Setelan Lanjut
• Isi Alamat Domain Anda Disana .
Contoh :

• Selesai Deh
• Selamat Mencoba

.:: Comentar , Jika Berkenan Silahkan Follow dan Donasi Seikhlasnya ::.
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Bypass Intuit || Domain Gratis Tanpa Bayar

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Bypass Domain by PutraCyber4rt

Pertama - Tama Kamu Harus Daftar Dulu Intuit [ Website Intuit ].
Jika Sudah Daftar , Kalo Belom Login Silahkan Login Dulu [ LogIn ]
Nahh , Selanjutnya Daftarkan Domain Kamu [ Bypass Intuit ]
Masukan Username dan Password ini di Site LogIn Tersebut
User :
Password :
Masukan Email dan Domain Kamu disitu
Masukan Domain tanpa diawalin www.

Jangan Centang Domain Privasi
Centang Saya Setuju
Selanjutnya Klik "Submit"

Selesai Deh !!
Selamat Anda Mendapatkan Domain yang Anda Inginkan Secara Gratiz !!
Wajib Menunggu 24 jam Untuk Pengaktifan Account Domain , Terima Kasih

.:: Comentar , Jika Berkenan Silahkan Follow dan Donasi Seikhlasnya ::.

NB :
• Dilarang Memperjual Belikan Domain , Jika Ketahuan Akan Mendapatkan Hukuman .
• Website Ini Dilindungin Hak Cipta "Putra Cyber4rt" Pelanggaran Sekecil Apapun Akan Mendapatkan Hukuman Sebesar - besarnya 15 tahun Penjara .
• Gunakanlah Dengan Bijak , Resiko ditanggung Pemakai

Sumber : -Black Cyber4rt-
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Tahukah Anda ??
"Bahwa Facebook Anda Mempunyai 3 Password Facebook yang Berbeda ?"
Kalau Anda Mempunyai Account Facebook , Pasti Anda Hanya Mempunyai 1 Password Bukan ??
Anda Pasti , Hanya Mengetahui 1 Password FB saya , yaitu Password Pada Saat Anda Sing Up atau Anda Ubah Untuk Kepentingan Kemanan .

Untuk Itu , Saya Disini Akan Memberikan Info , Bahwa Akun Facebook Anda Mempunyai 3 Password Untuk Bisa Log In .
"Gimana ?? Kok Bisa Gitu ?? yang Saya Tau Hanya Satu Password"
Oke , Mari kita Ketutor !!

Huruf Besar atau Chapta

Misalkan , Password Anda Sekarang Adalah : iNdoneSian~ .
Maka , Password yang Tidak Anda Ketahui Adalah : InDONEsIAN~
Sesuai Dengan Judul , Password Anda Hanya Membalikan Huruf Besar .
Ya !! Benar , Huruf Besar diubah Menjadi Huruf Kecil , dan Sebaliknya

Huruf Besar di Awal Password

Misalkan , Password Anda Sekarang Adalah : iNdoneSian~ .
Maka , Password yang Tidak Anda Ketahui Adalah : INdoneSian~

Mungkin , Post Ini Berguna .
Jika Berguna , Silahkan Klik Tombol "Follow" atau "Donate"
Terima Kasih . Created : Kãñg Çêlviñ Wæ
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Smadav Rev 9.0.1 Pro 2012

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Name : Smadav Rev 9.0.1
File Size : 756.51 kB
Language : Bahasa Indonesia / English
Release : 14 May 2012
Source : and Akita-kun
Genre : Software , Antivirus

Download Link :

• Smadav : [ Rev 9.0.1 ]
• Besy-Cyber Pro Smadav Key : [ Rev 9.0.1 ]
Password Mediafire :

Sumber : Akita-Kun
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10 Kriteria Blog yang Disukai IdBlogNetwork

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Ok, saya akan paparkan 10 kriteria blog yang disukai IdBlogNetwork. Karena ternyata meskipun kita sudah daftar dan disetujui oleh IBN, kita tetap sulit untuk mendapatkan iklan. Oleh karena itu mari kita lihat apa saja sih yang disukai IBN.

1. IdBlogNetwork Suka Blog yang Punya Trafik Gede

Tahukan maksud saya, IBN menyukai blog yang memiliki trafik gede. Jika blog kalian masih rendah trafiknya, kemungkinan besar blog sobat akan sulit mendapatkan jatah iklan PPC apalagi job review.

2. IdBlogNetwork Menyukai konten yang Original

Ternyata tidak hanya google saja yang menyukai konten original, IBN pun demikian. Di IdBlogNetwork copy paste artikel sangat tidak dianjurkan (meskipun bloleh). Buktinya, mereka yang memiliki tulisan original lebih sering mendapatkan jatah iklan.

3. IdBlogNetwork Anti Blog Porn/Dewasa dan Sara

Hati-hati deh sama yang satu ini, aturan yang ini kalau diabaikan bakalan fatal. Sudah ada beberapa member IBN yang dikeluarkan (banned) gara-gara hal ini. Jadi jangan sekali-kali mengkombinasikan konten dewasa dengan IBN atau IBN akan segera mengeksekusi.

4. IdBlogNetwork lebih menyukai “Blogger Nusantara”

Maksud “Blogger Nusantara” bukan blog yang ada di Indonesia loh, maksudnya adalah mereka yang tergabung di BloggerNusantara. Tahun lalu kodpar “Aku Blogger Nusantara” diselenggarakan oleh IBN dan disponsori beberapa perusahaan lokal.

5. IdBlogNetwork Suka Tulisan yang Unik

Loh bukannya original sama unik itu sama? kalo menurut saya beda, original bisa berarti menulis tulisan hasil sendiri. Kalau unik berarti beda dengan kebanyakan dan punya ciri khas, nah blog yang memiliki ciri tulisan tertentu/khas itulah yang disukai IBN.

6. IdBlogNetwork Suka Blog yang Update

Ini juga salah satu alasan kenapa blog kita tidak mendapatkan iklan, bisa jadi kita tidak meng-update blog kita. Blog yang update lebih disukai oleh IBN dibandingkan dengan blog yang jarang update. “kayaknya blog yang update lebih menarik.”

7. IdBlogNetwork Suka Blog yang Rapih

Kenapa demikian? saya juga kurang tahu. Tapi, setelah saya amati beberapa member yang tergabung di IBN, mereka yang blognya rapih relatif lebih konsisten mendapatkan PPC dibandingkan blog yang asal-asalan. Tetapi saya setuju, blog yang rapih memang seharusnya lebih diperhatikan.

8. Umur Blog Ternyata Diperhatikan Juga!

Bikin blog, nuslis, lalu daftar IBN. Aduh, kalo caranya begitu sulit deh diterima IBN, kalaupun diterima mungkin jatah PPC nya pun gak kebagian. Untuk blog yang baru, sebaiknya jangan fokus dulu main “matre-matrean”. Kalo boleh saran, blog yang baru fokusnya ke ngisi konten dan ngisi trafik dulu deh.

9. Semakin Baik Rangking Blog, Semakin Disukai IBN

Nah, ternyata diam-diam IBN juga merhatinn rangking, baik itu alexa rank ataupun google page rank. Untuk Alexa rank, blog yang memiliki rangking dibawah 500k kesempatan dapat jatah PPC atau Job Review semakin besar. Sedangkan Google PR, sebaiknya PR 2 keatas.

10. IBN Ternyata Suka Blog WordPress

Bukan blog yang memakai subdomain .wordpress yah maksudnya, tetapi blog yang memakai CMS wordpress. Jika saya perhatikan kebanyakan member IBN yang sudah dapat job review dan PPC adalah mereka yang memakai WP. Mungkin juga IBN lebih suka dengan domain mandirinya.

Semua list diatas adalah murni pengamatan dari saya, saya tidak mewawancarai IBN. So, jika ada yang salah mohom maaf saja. Jadi gimana menurut rekan blogger? apa sudah memiliki kriteria diatas? kalau sudah saya percaya blog sobat pasti akan mudah dapat jatah iklan.
“Sudah semuanya, tapi tetep ga ada iklan.” Kalai seperti itu kasusnya, bukan blog sobat yang salah, tetapi bisa jadi IBN lagi gak ada yang “ngiklan”. hehe..
Oh yah, jangan lupa subscribe, soalnya saya akan menulis tentang IdBlogNetwork dan tips ngeblog lain yang pastinya seru. Semoga tulisan saya bisa bermanfaat dan mudah dimengerti, selamat ngeblog!
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RedEye HackV.15 || Best-Network1.5
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◘ Download :
• Best-Cheater Network V.15
"Klik Gambar dibawah Ini Untuk Mendownload"
◘ Fitur :
[-] D3D Menu [ Ada Dalam Kemasan ]

◘ Created :
[-] Andaus Firdaus
[-] Kãñg Çêlviñ Wæ

◘ Cara Pemakaiian :
[-] Buka Cheat
[-] Start PointBlank
[-] Klik Oke Pada Notice ( Kalau Ada )
[-] Happy Cheating

NB :
[-] Copas ?? Sertakan Creditnya !!
[-] Jika Post Ini Berguna , Klik Salah Satu Iklan yang Ada !!
[-] Follow And Share this Site , Thank's !!
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Best-Cheater NetworkV.14

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◘ Download :
• Best-Cheater NetworkV1.4
"Klik Gambar dibawah Ini Untuk Mendownload"

◘ Fitur :
[-] D3D Menu ( Ada Dalam Kemasan )

◘ Cara Pemakaiian :
[-] Buka Cheat
[-] Star PointBlank
[-] Klik Oke Pada Notice ( Jika Ada )
[-] Happy Cheating !!

◘ Created :
[-] Kãñg Çêlviñ Wæ
[-] The Great of Tomo F2F Community

NB :
[-] Dont Forget to Follow this Site
[-] Bantulah Best-Cheater dengan Mengklik Iklan yang Ada
[-] Share This Post !! Copas ?? Sertakan Creditnya !!
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◘ Download :
• Best-CheaterHackV.13||Sukhoi Superjet 100
"Klik Gambar dibawah Ini Untuk Mendownload"

◘ Fitur :
[*] Full WallHack
[*] Full ESP
[*] SpeedHack
[*] Invisible kill
[*] Auto HS
[*] Unlimited Ammo
[*] Replace Acc
[*] Set Damage
[*] HP Up++
[*] Plant + Defuse Bom
[*] Magnet

◘ Cara Penggunaan :
[*] Buka Cheat
[*] Start PB
[*] Tekan Enter untuk hilangkan notice (Jika ada)
[*] Tunggu sampai proses HS selesai
[*] Enjoy.

◘ Created :
[*] MainCit
[*] Kãñg Çêlviñ Wæ

NB :
[-] Copas ?? Sertakan Creditnya !!
[-] Bantulah Best-Cheater Untuk Terus Maju , Dengan meng-Klik Iklan yang Ada
[-] Jangan Lupa Follownya Ganz !!
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Top 5 SEO Plugins for Joomla

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Anyone who runs a successful website knows the value of search engine optimization. A good SEO tool kit can turn a good website into a profitable website by attracting the right kind of targeted traffic.

But, how do you SEO a CMS site such as Joomla? With Joomla Extensions! Extensions is term used to refer to any number of Joomla components, modules and plugins.

If you have a Joomla website, you’re going to want to make sure that you’ve properly optimized it for search engines and have the appropriate SEO tools in place.

Below I’ve listed the top five SEO extensions for Joomla.

1. Joomap. One of the first and most important things you can do when building your site is to make sure to create a sitemap and submit it to all the major search engines. The extension shows all the menu structure, content categories and sections and can also create a Google Sitemap list.
2. SEOSimple. SEOSimple is one of the most used SEO extensions by Joomla users. On the front page, you can choose whether to use automated meta data based on what displays on the page or manually insert meta data. Other features include the ability to customize the meta data for each page.
3. JoomSEO. JoomSEO has a ton of different features, but most notably, it dynamically makes the content more search engine friendly.
4. Joomla SEO/SEF Component. The Joomla SEO/SEF Component mainly makes your urls more search engine friendly. Instead of your urls being a mixture of numbers and letters, it allows for more understandable urls.
5. J!Redirect301. This extension works just as it sounds. The plugin redirects your domains to one domain so that only one version of your site is indexed.
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It wasn’t long ago that Mapquest was the only quality mapping tool online. Then, the rise of Google Maps, possibly the best and most sophisticated mapping tool available online.

Google Maps inspired regular people to become cartographers — mapping our lives, mashing up old maps in new ways, and creating a new way to share our world. Even as the maps have become more sophisticated, the general tools have become simpler. In fact, if you’re using WordPress inserting a Google Map can be dead easy with the right plugin.

A note of caution, inserting Google maps into a WordPress website without a plugin can have unexpected results. Be sure to place the embed code in the HTML Editor, and never save your post or page while in the Visual Editor.

Better yet, forget about embedding maps with html! Use one of these handy Google Maps plugins for WordPress. You’ll thank us later.

There are a variety of WordPress Google Map plugins that can add Google map functionality to your blog or website. Choosing the best is really just based on your personal needs. Here are 5 of our favorite plugins. What maps plugin do you use?
google map 2Although it comes with mixed reviews, SimpleMap offers some of the most features of any other Google maps WordPress plugin. Features include the ability to manage map locations, insert a Google map on any post or page, customize the appearance and give users the power to enter an address. It’s good for a basic user who wants to insert Google maps into their WordPress blog.

Google Maps Store Locator for WordPress
The Google Maps Store Locator for WordPress is, as the name suggests, a store / vendor location finder. The plugin is a good mapping tools for site owners that want to show multiple locations or let users search for a nearby store. First, enter all of your locations and addresses into the admin section. Then, install the plugin on a post or page. Voila, your users can enter a city, zip code or intersection to find the store closest to them. The store locator plugin is free. However, the developer also sells “themes” to customize the look and several specialized add-ons with premium features.
You can see a demo of this plugin on a website I did a while back that let’s users search for a community garden in Long Beach.
MapPress – Google Maps for WordPress
google map 1MapPress Easy Google Maps Plugin for WordPress is a highly rated plugin that again can easily be integrated for basic users. Again the plugin offers a variety of features and the developers continually ask users for ways they can improve it. Features include the ability to easily inserts Google maps into posts and pages, WYSIWYG during editing, custom text and html for markers/landmarks, map controls and directions from the page. Below, you’ll see some of the options you can set on the administrator side and then how it looks to the user.

The UMapper plugin goes beyond Google Maps allowing users to create and embed maps from: Microsoft Bing, Google Maps, Yahoo, OpenStreet and CloudMade. Another popular feature? Site owners can monetize their maps and make money by displaying advertisements.
Google Map Shortcode
google map 3The last WordPress Google map plugin I’ll mention is the Google Map Shortcode. This maps plugin is geared more towards advanced users, as it requires more technical knowledge. You’ll want to be familiar with using custom fields AND WordPress Shortcodes to make the most of this Plugin. That being said, this WordPress Google maps plugin, is the only one we found that lets you insert posts and pages as points on the map.

Keep in mind that doing anything cool with Google Maps will usually require an API key. These plugins are no exception. So, you might as well go get a Google API key now.
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When I first decided it was time to add Facebook Connect to a website, I figured it would be no big deal. Facebook is a social media powerhouse, I figured, so they must have tools to simplify the process. Plus, I use WordPress! So I was fairly confident that some enterprising developer had already created a plugin that would add Facebook Connect to the blog with a few clicks.

Boy was I naive. Adding Facebook to a WordPress site is harder than it sounds. I spent days testing out plugins with varying degrees of success. Each plugin had it’s own set of quirks, Facebook features that worked or didn’t, one plugin even shut down the whole site!

Luckily, integrating Facebook was not a total FAIL. After much testing and tribulation, Facebook Connect is now humming along happily. Visitors can login and comment using their Facebook ID, post comments back to their main stream, join the fan page with a single click and a handful of other nifty Facebook features that encourage visitor loyalty and interaction.

Take the benefit of my experience, and read this article before you begin the process of adding Facebook Connect to your WordPress website. Here are 3 different WordPress plugins for installing Facebook Connect.

Facebook Connect from
socialble-fbconnectEasily one of the most popular FB connect plugins, Javier Reyes claims his plugin will: Build a community, Login using your Facebook account, Send comments to Facebook profile feed,Invite your friends to the blog community, See last visitors, Facebook share counter, Facebook fan page widget, Facebook comments box, Facebook user email store.
In truth, the plugin looks awesome on his site. And some users claim that it’s working great. However, I tried for three days to force Facebook Connect from Socialble to play nicely with my website. Most often, the plugin would work for an hour and then lead to a blank screen. Every page on the site (both front-end and admin) would just be a white screen. Often, this is a sign of memory issues. But, even reinstalling and turning off every other plugin on the site didn’t make it work.
The final reason that the plugin was a no-go for me is that the developer does not respond to help requests. I don’t expect developers to spend all their time offering up free assistance — especially on an already free plugin. But, the comment area and support forum are full of questions and the developer is conspicuously absent.
(* It seems that just after finishing this article, a new beta version of the Facebook Connect WordPress Plugin became available. It may solve some of the problems I talked about.)
WP-FacebookConnect by Adam Hupp
wp-fbconnectAdam is a Facebook Engineer, so using WP-FacebookConnect can be a good place to start. The plugin adds Facebook functionality to WordPress using the Facebook Connect APIs. Features include: signon with your Facebook account; Publish comments to the newsfeed; Comment avatars display Facebook profile photos.
Using this plugin is pretty simple. Install, activate, configure and you’re done. WP-FacebookConnect works well. Users could log in and Facebook avatars showed up in the comments section.
There were a few things I didn’t like, though. One is that the plugin creates a new WordPress user for each person that logs in via Facebook. In some cases this might be desirable, but it’s not really what I wanted. Second, was that after seeing all the “potential features” of the plugin, WP-FacebookConnect seemed limited.
If your Facebook integration needs are simple and you don’t want to work too hard on the configuring side, then WP-FacebookConnect is a great plugin. I have several clients where this plugin will be perfect.
Simple Facebook Connect
simple-facebook-connectUltimately, Simple Facebook Connect is the WordPress Plugin I decided to use for my site. Simple Facebook Connect is a modular plugin that breaks down the available Facebook features into separate plugins anchored by a base plugin.
Basically, the base plugin installs FB-Connect on your site and the secondary plugins add bits of code to add whatever Facebook goodies you’re looking for. In face, once you’ve activated the base plugin your website is Facebook Connect enabled and you don’t even need the other plugins. If you’re technically inclined you can now use XFBML tags to add any number of widgets directly into your template.
Here is a list of the currently available FB Connect sub-modules: Comment using Facebook Identity, Share button, User status widget (display your status in a sidebar), Fan box widget, Live Stream widget, Bookmark widget (get your site into the Facebook bookmark bar), Connect widget, Publish posts to your Facebook Application Page (manually, after the post is published).
Simple Facebook Connect was as easy to set up as it sounds and the developer, Otto, is responsive to user queries. He replied to my comment in just under two hours and has an active help stream going on his site.
Each of these Facebook Connect plugins behaves a little differently. You’ll need to judge for yourself what will work best with your current WordPress set-up. Just remember, all of the developers put a lot of time and energy into making the plugins. So after you settle on a plugin that makes you happy, send a little something to the developer. It’s the right thing to do, but more importantly, it will give them a reason to keep updating and improving so that the plugin you’re using today will still work down the road.
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Microsoft’s Office suite has long been the king of productivity software. And with good reason—it is the most full-featured office suite available. Not only is MS Office deployed extensively throughout enterprises, but many consumers rely on it for their day-to-day word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation needs, too.

But Microsoft Office isn’t cheap. Office Home and Student 2007 sells for $149.95 at the Microsoft Store (the 2008 Mac version is the same price). There are some discounts available for University students, but unless you’re in college you might be stuck paying the full price—which is why many folks are starting to look for alternatives.

Fortunately there are several quality, free Microsoft Office alternatives that are completely compatible with the famous word processor, spreadsheet, or presentation software. Each alternative product has its own strengths and weaknesses depending on how you prefer to get your work done.

If you’re looking for a free Microsoft Office download, good luck. However, we do have the next best thing. Here are our top choices for free Microsoft office alternatives:
free openoffice software is by far the best desktop alternative to Microsoft Office. Oracle’s full-blown Office suite includes the ability to create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, diagrams, databases, as well as HTML and XML documents.  Microsoft Office users will be able to interact with your files, since everything is saved in compatible formats. Because the software and files reside on your hard drive, you don’t need to be connected to the Web to get work done. The interface and commands are very similar to what you may have experienced in previous versions of Office. The software is stable and can handle a wide range of productivity tasks.
If you are an advanced user, then you will enjoy taking advantage of the repository of extensions that are available. The developer community is pretty active, with options such as exporting your files to Google Docs and multiple templates.
The only downside is that some tasks take more clicks in OpenOffice than they do in Microsoft Office. And even though it is pretty full featured, from time you are likely to come across things that OpenOffice won’t do as well. But as alternatives go, if you want free desktop office software, OpenOffice is clearly at the top.
Google Docs
free download Google Docs
Google Docs is the most well-known online office suite. If you are a heavy user of Google services (Gmail, Google Chrome, Reader, etc.) then Docs will mesh quite well with your current ecosystem. The real strength of Google Docs is not as much in its feature set but its collaboration abilities. This is really ideal for students or anyone else who needs to work on a project with multiple authors. The entire group can work on the same document over the web without having to e-mail back and forth 100 different versions.
Google has lately beeen promoting Docs as cloud storage for all your files. Even if a file isn’t compatible with Docs, it can be stored in the cloud and then downloaded later at another location. By purchasing additional storage you could conceivably back up a significant amount of your files this way.
However, in its current form Google alone may not be a Microsoft alternative. It’s simply not strong enough to serve all of your productivity needs. The document editor especially leaves a lot of features to be desired with only a few fonts and very few capabilities for creating elaborate documents. Also, importing Office documents into Google Docs don’t always go smoothly. Often times the fonts, tables, frames, and other elements get a bit jumbled.
If you want to just bang out a quick file then Docs is great—but it’s not enough to completely replace your desktop software. So, while Docs is a fine online word processor and spreadsheet program, it can’t be truly considered a Microsoft Office alternative.
zoho best microsoft alternative
Though not as popular as other options, Zoho offers the most comprehensive online office suite available. It is far more feature-rich than Google Docs and includes not only documents, spreadsheets, and presentations but also email, instant messaging, a job application tracking system, and other business and consumer oriented services. If you run a small business there is an upgrade package that can make Zoho the central hub for your businesses’s productivity.
Zoho’s interface is also a great hybrid between those who like the ribbon interface from Office 2007 and those who like the more traditional drop-down menus. The site is very stable and easy to navigate. The collaboration options are not as strong as Google’s, but it is the best set of features available if you want to do your word processing primarily on the web.
Office 2010 Beta
free microsoft office 2010
You might be wondering, “Wait, isn’t this supposed to be an article about alternatives to Microsoft Office?” Well yes, however the Office 2010 Beta is currently a free download. Sure, at some point this year it will probably self-destruct and Microsoft will force you to buy it, but that is no reason not to take advantage of the temporary freebie.
In fact, Office 2010 is very good and stable in its Beta form. Microsoft wisely replaced the ugly Office button with the File menu, so many users making the switch from older versions will be in for less shock. There are also some newer options for copying and pasting that help preserve formatting more effectively. But don’t get too attached—at some point the software will leave Beta and you will have to pay up.
Download or Cloud? Free Alternatives to Microsoft Office
Unless you are an Office devotee there are plenty of Microsoft alternatives that will get the job done. While Zoho and Google Docs do a great job of keeping your work stored in the cloud, you may have to consider if you want to rely on an Internet connection to get work done (there are options for working offline, but it’s still not as seamless as keeping files on the desktop). is an excellent option, though it won’t do everything that Office can.
In the end it may mean a combination of choices—using Google Docs or Zoho for online collaboration, and OpenOffice for desktop work. Either way, you will find there are plenty of free choices for getting work done.
What do you use when you need a Microsoft Office alternative? Do you have a favorite free Word Processor?
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6 Tips to Secure Your Joomla Site

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It has been a boom year for hackers and web hacking. Tom Canavan, Joomla web security expert, identifies an increase of greater than 600% in overall hacking this last year. Tom’s book “Joomla! Web Security”, a Packt publication, expands on the threats of web security.

Hacker issues bothered a couple of our clients this year and if it didn’t do anything else for us, it sure kept us all on our toes. Hacking comes as more of an embarrassment than a true threat, however the results are damaging to intellectual property, brand identity and most of customer confidence. Hacking is a common occurrence on all public web platforms and CMS systems, however we continue to win the battle and have the ability to leverage one of the largest global networks of expert Joomla developers and programmers and are proud to say that the Joomla community is one of the fastest to respond.

It continues to be a battle to keep the bad guys out so we’ve gathered some tips and links to help you keep your Joomla website secure and safe.

Tip one: When building or planning any Joomla site make sure that you keep up with a good maintenance plan and figure these costs into your ongoing budget. A dynamic web site requires regular attention and this means an ongoing investment of time and resources to keep this up. Hackers pound away on the core CMS framework and 3rd party extensions looking for vulnerabilities. If you continue to ensure your core Joomla CMS and extensions are running with the latest security patches you will save yourself a lot of headaches by preventing a big percentage of vulnerabilities. The longer a component is out there and not patched the more chances a hacker has to break into your infrastructure. Keep in mind, that for any moderate web site, you put a lot of time and treasure into making this your home on the web and if you do not invest in protecting it the whole place can be blown up in a puff of smoke.

Tip two: As a Joomla Website Designer I would suggest that you work with professional components when possible and be willing to contribute to those projects too. The reason is, behind the code are real people and economics plays into the success and longevity of these components. It is quite a commitment to sustain the security and evolution of these development projects. The healthier you can help them become the healthier your code options will be to evolve your own web platform over a period of time.

Tip three: “Keep a clean house” so to speak. Make sure you clean out any unused components and modules. This will not only help reduce the options for a hacker to get in, it will also improve the performance of your site. Make sure file permissions are set to allow you the flexibility you need to build out content, but button down everything else to further minimize threats.

Tip Four: It doesn’t take a Joomla Developer to know that “P@ssw0rd” doesn’t make a very secure password. In fact, don’t rely on any password listed on The guys dealing in the hacking business have terrific tools, commonly known as Brute Force Tools and password crackers with them. They have dictionaries of common passwords and keystroke combinations that make it possible to crack almost any password. So one should make a password that is very hard to crack by using a combination of numbers, letters, and other different symbols with proper usage of upper and lower case. For “best practices” change your password every 30 days to prevent threats.

Tip Five: Look into the option of using a security monitoring service. Sometimes these services are available through your ISP. We have worked with the “Securelive” component built specifically for Joomla and so far this has been doing a great job. We had some performance issues while we were first getting this installed but now it works very well.

Tip six: Back up everything on a regular basis and don’t forget. Backing up will give you a much better sense of security. A good regular back-up routine will protect you from hackers and, just as importantly, guards against “human failures” as well. For help with your Joomla back-up routine, take a look at and for a couple Joomla component options that we have used for Joomla Website Development.
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When you’re designing websites for a global audience, you need to be aware of cultural differences that will affect the way they are viewed in different parts of the world. You cannot expect the exact same website to be well-received around the globe. You need to adapt your websites to allow for cultural differences and make sure they are equally effective in whichever region you are targeting.

Take your web content global

Content is the most important part of any website. The old saying ‘content is king’ still rings true. There are three main factors you need to consider with regards to your content:

It must be relevant and useful to your target audience. By ensuring that your content is well-written and relevant, you will not only be maintaining quality, but you will also ensure that it can be more effectively translated into other languages.

You need to make sure it is as universally understandable as possible. With 79% of web users not speaking English as their native language, at some point you are going to have to get your content translated if you want your websites to be truly accessible across different cultures. The best way of achieving this is to use a professional translator, but if your budget is tight, you may also consider an online machine translation tool, like Google Translate.

It should be appropriate across many cultures. This applies especially to visual content – you should be aware that some images may be perfectly acceptable in western cultures, but could be offensive in other parts of the world. For example, pictures of scantily-clad models may cause offence in some countries. Even a simple image of someone relaxing with their feet up, which is perfectly OK in most parts of the world, may cause offence in Thailand, where it is unacceptable to show the soles of the feet.
Keywords in a Foreign Language

Even if you decide to use an online translation service to translate the bulk of your website’s content, you should not rely on this method of translation for your keywords. Nor should you use direct dictionary translations. Your keywords are too important to entrust them to these methods of translation – they are just not accurate enough.

To ensure your search engine optimisation (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns are successful in other languages, you need to work with a professional translator to develop a good list of foreign-language keywords. This will save you a great deal of time and money in the long run, because you can be sure that you are targeting the keywords that people are using to search for your product in any market – there’s no point in building a great website if no one can find it.
CSS spans language barriers

Make sure to use CSS as your design tool when building your website, because by doing so, you are keeping the content separate from the design. This makes it far easier to develop versions of your website in different languages – it’s a simple matter of substituting the different translated text into your pre-existing CSS templates. You should also use Unicode UTF-8 character encoding because it is compatible with the widest range of language scripts.
Planning the layout for a global design

You can improve the cross-cultural accessibility of your website by carefully considering its design and layout. One of the main issues here is the fact that not all languages are read from left-to-right. This can impact on the usability of side navigation and sidebar content. For example, a left-hand navigation structure may not be very convenient for someone who reads from right-to-left.

The same principle applies to the theory that the eye is naturally drawn to the top-left area of a web page. For an Arabic reader, it may be the top-right. You can avoid usability issues with your navigation structure by employing a horizontal top navigation, which will be more universally usable.
Choosing colours for a cross-cultural audience

Colour is a very important part of web design, as it can affect the way your websites are perceived by different cultures. Most designers are aware of colour theory, which tells us that different colours can have different psychological effects on the people viewing them, and that the psychological impact of colour is strongly influenced by cultural factors. Put simply, colours mean different things to different people depending on their cultural viewpoint.

For example, in Islamic countries green usually has an important religious significance, whereas in Western cultures it may be more suggestive of environmental issues. In Korea, a name written in red indicates that the person is dead. You should examine your use of colour carefully to ensure you don’t make any cultural faux pas.

Put simply, cross-cultural web design is about being aware of the possible pitfalls highlighted here, and ensuring your websites are accessible to as many cultures as possible, a sensible move to take considering the increased internationalisation of the internet.
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These days, anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can build a website. The question is, what kind of website will you get? Will your new website function well and be able to expand as your company grows? Your website is often the first impression that clients have of your business, so you need a professional web design agency—not some guy who pirated a copy of Dreamweaver with a stack of business cards using a VistaPrint template.

There are a few things which you need to check before signing a contract and handing over a deposit—especially if you are building an eCommerce site. Below are some of the key points to check before deciding which design agency to use.

Check the agency’s design portfolio.

Whenever you’re choosing a web design company, make sure you check that they have actually worked on similar projects in the past. You don’t want to be an inexperienced designers “guinea pig.” It’s a situation that too often leads to disappointing results, unfinished sites or incomplete projects.
Choosing a web design agency with the right experience is especially important when you’re looking for an eCommerce provider. Don’t fall into the trap of using a “design” agency when what you really need is a development company. eCommerce sites are very technology-heavy with complex coding and specialized systems, so you need an agency that understands the potential problems that come with this type of site.
To avoid hiring a designer to do a developer’s job, check an agencies portfolio to ensure it has many examples of functional/tech-heavy websites and not just logos, flyers and print design.

Ask whether the web design agency will be building a website or customizing a template.

When choosing a web company, be sure to check whether they build from scratch or customize templates. There is a big price difference! Cheaper solutions usually use free, out of the box software packages and design templates in order to allow them to quickly create a site. More expensive design bids are usually from companies offering custom software designed exclusively for your needs. Neither solution is “right” or “wrong.” It will depend entirely on your needs, but you definitely want to know what you are buying. You don’t want to end up paying for custom when what you’re really getting is customization.

Check that the design agency is big enough to cope with the work.

Find out if the company has a technical team or is a one-man shop. Many web ‘companies’ actually only consist of one designer and one developer. Over the years there have been many scenarios where the only technical contact at the company has left leaving all clients stranded. The other reason to know the true size of the staff is to ensure that your website will be built by the designer and not sent out to someone else.

Check that the design work is carried out in-house rather than outsourced.

Be wary of a false sales pitch with nothing to back it up. There are lots of ‘middle men’ in this industry and agencies who can outsource the entire project. Don’t fall for a slick PowerPoint presentation! Make sure you meet members of the team and if possible go visit your developer’s office to see exactly who you are commissioning to do your project. Quite often those who outsource a project overseas will be reluctant for you to visit their office and meet the team.
Although there are many pitfalls when choosing a company to build you an eCommerce website, if you get it right then the benefits are great. Making the right choice can lead to success, low overheads and a website to be proud of. So when choosing which company to use, remember the checklist above and ensure that you ‘do it once – do it right’.
Visualsoft UK are the North East’s leading eCommerce website specialists. Check out their portfolio of over 300 websites they have built already on their website at 
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9 Email Designs for Content-Heavy Newsletters

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I’ve recently been working on a project to design a daily email newsletter that will be powered by MailChimp’s RSS to Email option. In some ways using RSS limits the design, however by automating the email campaign the site owner can focus on creating content rather than delivering content.

The challenge for this email campaign is to create a template that can accommodate between 4 and 8 articles with photos and summaries, a spot for advertising, branding options and of course space for all the “required” information to be can-spam compliant. Oh yeah, the content all needs to fit together elegantly and encourage users to take action by visiting the site, bookmarking an article, etc. What’s the best way to fit that much information in an email and keep it organized?

I went looking for inspiration on Emailium, and found a collection of content-heavy email designs proving that it is indeed possible to fit a mountain of information into a document no more than 600 pixels wide. Want to be inspired, too? Check out this list of email designs for content-heavy newsletters and publishing sites.

email design ideas content

Email Design Ideas for Publishing Websites

I think what I found most amazing about these email designs is that, for the most part, they look like mini-sites—complete with top-level navigation. It’s great for branding and also gives the user more opportunities to click-through to the website.

Email Looks Like Its Website

email design ideas content
The Bang repeats the same trendy look from the website in the email newsletters they send to subscribers. This is a good example of carrying branding through all aspects of a site design. It’s also a way to re-use resources which is good for site owners on a budget as it usually takes less time (ie: billable hours) to resize a design that to create something new from scratch.

Email Design With Layers of Content

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Sky News establishes a hierarchy of information by arranging stories in layers with featured content on top. Again, this email layout is one often favored by content-heavy websites and online magazines.

News Layout With a Dark Background

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ShowBiz (another property) features something rarely seen in email campaigns with lots of content—a dark background. Although not recommended for text-heavy webpages or email layouts, it works for this template because the email relies on photos with very little text.

Email Design With Room for Ads

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MotocycleUSA created an email template using two columns with space for featured content and advertisements.

A Two-Column Email Layout for Featured Content

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MOMA’s email layout features a large feature photo to let users know which content is most important. The secondary column in this design is narrow enough not to be distracting, but wide enough to keep the text legible.

Email Design Lets Photos Tell the Story

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With a focus on entertainment and shopping, it’s no wonder that InStyle lets photos do most of the work. What really works well in this design is the extra white space which gives the layout a magazine feel so that the content doesn’t appear cramped.

Email Design Puts the Focus on Text

email design ideas content
Trading Market knows their audience. By putting the focus on the text, they’ved designed an email that will be easy to read across most browsers, email programs and on smart phones—great for business people on the go.

Simple Email Design That’s Easy on the Eyes

email design ideas content
Wolfgang’s Vault is easy on the eyes, as my dad used to say. One-column designs run the danger of feeling static, but this layout ads interest with square photos, reminiscent of album covers and perfect for a concert-themed website.

Traditional Email Newsletter That Still Looks Fresh

The Edenews eNewsletter uses the same layout as many email templates that come “free” from your email service provider. It’s a predictable two-column layout with articles on one side and short blurbs on the other. Yet, it doesn’t look stale or outdated. With a strong header and eye-catching navigation, Edenews has managed to keep the look fresh while including lots of content to tantalize their readers.
All the email designs for this article were discovered on Emailium. Read more about the new email design showcase in our earlier article.
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There are WordPress addons available for just about any function — including automatic promotion of your blog posts! This article is specifically aimed at folks who are new to blog promotion or want to start their first website marketing campaign but aren’t sure where to begin. The great thing is, these plugins are so simple to set up, there’s absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t be using these tactics to increase your blog’s following.
Here’s a guide to some of the best WordPress plugins for automating your blog promotion tasks without spending a lot of money.

Plugins and Badges to Promote Your Blog on Twitter

In case you haven’t heard, Twitter is huge! As a blog owner, you really want to take advantage of that fact. Thankfully there are a huge number of free WordPress addons that’ll help you to do that.
For most of these plugins remember that you’re going to first need your own Twitter account at — build some followers by connecting with others in your niche, tweeting any of their posts that you find interesting, and replying to your followers to build relationships.

Tweet This

Instead of manually tweeting a link to your new blog posts — which is time consuming — plugins like Tweet This will automatically send the link to your Twitter followers. You’ll need to follow the instructions to set yourself up with your own Twitter application code but, once you have, this really is set and forget!

TweetMeme Button

The TweetMeme plugin lets your followers do your blog promotion for you. It adds an eye-catching tweet button in a prominent location at the top of every blog post, letting your readers share the link with friends if they find it interesting.

Tweet Old Post

Don’t leave your old posts out of your Twitter promotion plan — especially if you write about evergreen topics! Tweet Old Post is a plugin that makes it super easy to set up random tweets with links to your old posts at the interval you choose. You can also add tags to your tweets and exclude certain categories if you don’t want to tweet them out to your followers.

Promote Your RSS Feed for Extra Blog Traffic

Every blog comes with an RSS feed — this is simply a way to deliver your blog to people who want to keep up with what’s new. The more people you can get to subscribe to your RSS feed, the more traffic your blog should get.


Feedburner is the popular Google-run service used by bloggers who want more stats on who is reading their RSS feed and how many subscribers they have. This isn’t a plugin, simply sign up and paste your blog URL in to instantly “burn” your feed. It’s simple and it’s well worth it! FeedBurner also provide all the buttons you need to promote your feed on your blog.

Plugins to Promote Your Blog on Facebook

Facebook has now become one of the most popular and most visited websites in the world, so it’s important to make sure you make use of this method of promotion! Here are some recommended WordPress addons for helping you to do that.

Simple Facebook Connect

When you create a Facebook page, Facebook will provide you with a number of ways to get people to “like” your page, including a simple button or a box that shows the faces of a selection of other people who like the page. Simple Facebook Connect provides a better way to integrate your blog with your Facebook page by automatically sending posts to your fan page, adding Like buttons, and letting people register or login using their Facebook credentials. This article goes into more detail about why I chose Simple Facebook Connect for my blogs.


The Socialize plugin isn’t just great for Facebook, it can add links to a whole range of other services such as Digg, Twitter, StumbleUpon, LinkedIn and more! It’s well worth having as it’ll help you place convenient “like” buttons on the top of the post, and an extra box at the end of each post encouraging your readers to share it. When it comes to WordPress plugins for social media promotion, this one really does do a lot for your blog!
The good news is that you don’t even have to create a fan page for your site in order to have visitors “like” or “share” the page with their friends. There really is no excuse for not using a plugin that allows them to do so!
All of the WordPress addons mentioned in this article are completely free and, once set up, do all the hard work for you! So get going and install them on your blog — open it up to some new methods of promotion today. Do you use any free WordPress plugins for automated blog promotion? What about other social media badges? Share your tips below and we’ll go over paid plugins in a future article.
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Back in April, Facebook rolled out the Send button, a function that provided a simple and direct way for users to privately share content through the platform. Though it has not garnered as much attention as the Like button, this feature can be viewed a huge success considering that the social network says it has already been installed on more than 100,000 sites. Nearly two months later, Facebook has followed up the Send button with a new feature called Send Dialog. In this article, we will discuss the feature in more detail and explain how a marketer can take advantage of the Send Dialog to engage their audience.

Another Way to Plug Into the Facebook Experience

The Send Dialog function has much more in common with the Send button than the obvious. Both features are similar in that they allow users to share private information with others. However, Send Dialog goes one step further by giving users the ability to share content as private Facebook, group, or email messages. According to the social network itself, this feature is even better than the actual button from an integration standpoint because it enables developers to make conversation the core functionality of the website or app it is added to. We agree, but also want to add that the Send Dialog is just better all around, mainly because of its marketing potential.
Having the freedom to include a personal message with your link adds a new dimension to Facebook’s sharing feature. Some of the content you publish on your website is probably self explanatory. For example, if the content is an article with a descriptive title, a simple link could be all a visitor needs when sharing it with their friends or colleagues. On the other hand, a video that is only accompanied by a still preview image may require a little extra in the form of an explanation to convey its value to others. When looking at it from this perspective, the Send Dialog feature benefits the marketer by arming users with a more effective way to be advocates for their content, which it does by coupling a messaging element with the already powerful sharing component.

Use the Send Dialog Wisely

The Send Dialog function is it sort of like an email, and it would be best for a marketer to treat it as such. In fact, Facebook says that it is most appropriate in a situation where a user might share the information via email otherwise. The company warns that it should not be used to deliver impersonal communications like in-game status or invitations, citing that the “Requests” feature is still the best channel for such actions. For this reason, marketers may need to school their audience on how to use Send Dialog while stressing the importance of respecting the privacy of others.
Facebook’s new Send Dialog definitely appears to have a lot of potential. We can especially see it being useful for marketers with active audiences looking to add a new element to social sharing. The feature has already been implemented by a few popular websites, so its true potential should be revealed in the very near future.
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You spend hours laboring over text, creating the perfect blog post. If you read TutorialBlog, then you also know the importance of including photos on your blog, too. But, how much time did you spend making sure that your images are SEO-optimized for the best performance? Photos can be more than eye-candy for readers, images are a great opportunity to improve your on-page search engine optimization.
Savvy bloggers know to take every opportunity to increase their appeal to search engines. Why should you care? Because every time your blog or blog post comes up in the search engine results, you have the opportunity to drive additional traffic to your blog — and that means more readers and, if you are selling something, more customers!

Optimizing Images for SEO

Here are some easy ways to use the images you place on your blog for SEO (search engine optimization) purposes:

1. Optimize Begins With the Right Name

Just because your camera automatically names an image “234455.jpg” doesn’t mean this is the best name. The search engines have no idea what to do with that! Optimize your photo filenames by rename the file to something distinguishable like “easy-pumpkin-pie.jpg” before uploading it to your website.
Make the image name descriptive with a few of your keywords, but don’t go overboard with a 10-word title.

2. Alt Text: Always Use the Alternative

In addition to being helpful from a usability standpoint, search engines use the alt attribute field to help determine the content of the image. If the alt field is empty, search engines don’t always know the best way to interpret the image.
If you’re using WordPress, it’s simple to change the alt information. Simply upload your image using the “Add Image” function, and then in the “Alternative Text” field, add your alt text info, again using your descriptive keywords.

3. Title Attribute Tells All

The title is what shows up when your cursor hovers over the image. Fill in the information for the title just as you would the alt attribute, using the same method from the “Add Image” function on WordPress.

4. Keep Your Keywords Close

It seems obvious that you’d want to use your keywords in your text, but some bloggers forget, thinking it’s enough to mention them in the title and/or the attributes above. Not so! If your blog post is about how to make home décor items from dryer lint, then you should mention that phrase several times in the text of your blog post, and illustrate the post with a photo of revamped dryer lint. The file name of the photo, as well as the alt and title attributes, should all support that keyword phrase.
SEO is mostly common sense. Think about what people would type into Google, Bing or their favorite search engine to lead them to your blog post. Then use that phrase wherever you can — without overdoing it.
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